VisminerTD Overview
VisminerTD is a tool that aims to support the activities of identification and monitoring of TD using software visualization resources. VisminerTD implements a new TD identification strategy by combining information extracted from software metrics and source code comments, monitoring the evolution of TD items through different versions of the software.
VisminerTD uses software metrics, duplicated code occurrences, style problems, ASA issues and code comments to find TD indicators. The combined analysis of TD indicators allows development teams to identify more precisely TD items in the source code, calling their attention to specific parts of the project. Once a TD item is detected, VisminerTD allows the user to follow the evolution of that item and its indicators over the project life cycle. Its visual metaphors support the monitoring of the evolution of TD items through the versions of a software, identifying when they incur, and if their indicators are increasing or if they are being paid off.